The Morning News

Listening Mp3 Digest: July 25, 2007

Apparently Daft Punk is currently touring the U.S. with what some are calling “the best show they’ve been to in their ENTIRE LIFE.” (Emphasis Daft Punk nut.) Since just about the rest of the tour is sold out, however, your best chance to catch them may be in their feature film, Electroma, which debuted at Cannes last year and has been screened at some theaters in the U.S. More screenings are scheduled in the U.S., and include Seattle, Miami, New York and Dallas. (Please tell us if you know of more.) I have no idea if the movie’s any good, but from what I’ve heard about stunt work, I know you can never go wrong with a movie that has a man on fire.

Sorry—I mean a robot on fire.

» Listen to the unofficial Electroma soundtrack at

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By now you’ve seen the new Wes Anderson trailer and decided he’s overrated like you always said or the genius you’ve always championed him to be. After all, it’s already lunchtime. And yes, there’s Owen Wilson and Jason Schwartzman and oh look, this time they have Adrien Brody. But what is that song? Is that song enough to turn my opinion of this movie?

Why, yes it is: It’s the Kinks.

» Listen to the Kinks’ “This Time Tomorrow” at Gorilla vs. Bear

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Caribou’s “Melody Day” is the best song that’s been recorded by anyone in the history of the universe, and should almost certainly be included on the next Voyager Golden Record, although we shouldn’t be averse to destroying any alien hipsters that try and say they’ve got it on vinyl back home. That’s gold not vinyl you idiots.

» Listen to Caribou’s “She’s the One” at marathonpacks

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Is there a jam of the summer yet? If that hasn’t been officially decided, I’d like to nominate The Tough Alliance’s “Silly Crimes.” It’s got some electro-Caribbean, which is of course very warm and summery. Also, they’re Swedish, which everyone knows is a lot of fun to be. Some of the lyrics are even laughs, for crying out loud. Or rather, for laughing out loud. LOL-jam of the summer right here. Let the sunshine in.

» Listen to the Tough Alliance’s “Silly Crimes” at Summer Lovers Unlimited


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