The Morning News

Listening Ran

Hailing from Calgary, Azeda Booth has just released In Flesh Tones, its first full-length album. On its web site, the band describes itself as “too skittish for space rock, too hot for IDM, too concise and charming for glitch-core.” I know, right? The furor this band has currently unleashed in the blogosphere, however, has everything to do with the shocking shock that the vocalist is not a woman but…a man. It sure sounds like a woman, but why is this such a big surprise? I mean, they are Canadian. The music itself, despite what they say, is very spacey, IDM-y, and glitchy, but also calls to mind shoegaze, New Wave, and all that wonderful music from classic 8-bit Nintendo games. Delightfully, like on “Ran,” the amalgamation also imbues an ethereal sense of uplift between the strange harmonies and barreling drum machines. —

» Listen to “Ran” at Clicky Clicky Music Blog


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