The Morning News

Video Video Digest: September 1, 2006

My new obsession is VideoJug, a compendium of how-to videos on everything from “How to Cook a Chicken Curry in 10 Minutes” to “How to Tie a Bowtie”. Each installment is narrated by some British person in a manner so soothing and convincing they could coax me through my first disembowelment. So far, my favorite episode is “How to Eat Sushi,” which has already taught me that, contrary to rumor, chopsticks are not used to air-drum the intro to Van Halen’s “Hot for Teacher” at the beginning of every meal.

As we all know, online video is a powerful resource for sharing information. (And sleepy kittens!) This week, we look at some other videos to see what we can learn. First up: How to guarantee yourself a spot on Starmania, the Austrian version of American Idol. Also file under: How to wow the in-laws, for sure.

Next, we learn how to imitate a dozen actors with effortless brio. Also: How to make The Actors’ Studio bearable. Oh, Kevin Spacey, come back to us.

How to blow the whistle on your employer? Look no further than Michael De Kort, a (now former) engineer for Lockheed Martin, who posted a video on YouTube three weeks ago accusing the defense contractor of security flaws in a fleet of Coast Guard boats. According to a Wall Street Journal story, Homeland Security is already on it. Cross-reference under: How to get fired.

And finally, just in time for fashion week: How to have a punk-rock fashion show in 1970s Canada. Hint: Double up on safety pins and mesh.


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