The Morning News

Watching Video Digest: June 16, 2006

Before I started assembling these video digests, I had no idea how many pets could talk, chug Fanta from a bottle, or pledge their love to Montel Williams. My own cat, who has mastered little more than shedding, seems like such a dilettante in comparison.

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One talent the cat does have is waking me at any hour by inserting his claws into my nose. Sheesh, where’s the snooze button on this beast? I can sleep through a lot, but even I couldn’t endure the nightmare that befalls the sleepyheads in this terrifying Folger’s commercial.

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YouTube, with its crazy animal schtick and surprise vomit attacks, can sometimes feel like one long gag reel in search of a Bob Saget voiceover. Remember, however, that Bob Saget is actually a foulmouthed baddie who’s a hit with the kids these days. Witness his tribute on Jamie Kennedy’s new MTV show, Blowin’ Up.

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Besides, there are substantive things on YouTube all the time. Here, Zach Braff posts the first entry in his video diary, in which he admits that, while he can apparently direct and star in a feature film, he can’t quite figure out how to…blog?

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Zach Braff’s Garden State was funny and all, but it’s no Duck Soup. In this sublime clip from the 1933 Marx brothers comedy, witness the masters at work.


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