I Don't Have the Drugs to Sort It Out (2012). Credit: Thomas Hawk.

Mind-hacking is happening, misunderstood, in some cases pretty serious, and it leads to levitating chairs

Mind-hacking: everyone's doing it. Of course, being Americans, it's not enough for us to just do drugs for pleasure or escape—we want to be more productive, more efficient, better workers. More American.

Silicon Valley's overstuffed with gadgets to "upgrade" your mind, and the coders behind the products are stuffed themselves with modafinil, or tiny hits of LSD, or short sessions with their hypnosis apps. Maybe it's magic. Or maybe it's all Palo Alto New Age wackadoo.

Nellie Bowles's "An Evening With the Consciousness Hackers," from 2015, is probably the most fun introduction, if only because it digs into "telekinesis," courtesy of the co-founder of InteraXon, makers of the Muse meditative headband.

“You can make your phone vibrate from a distance. We’ve made thought-control toasters,” she said. “There’s a thought-control beer tap in our office. I have a levitating chair, and you close your eyes and relax and it goes back down.” 

Jan 5, 2017

I would like to tell you that after I nervously downed that mug of acid-laced water, I wrote some of the best and most creative prose of my life. But I'm afraid that's not true. 

In case you've been thinking of micro-dosing or dabbling in some "nootropics," Josh Dean already did the hard work (and it doesn't sound all that great).
↩︎ GQ
Jan 5, 2017

When you knock on someone's door and listen to them and talk about both views, people will talk, and will express uncertainty—most average people will.

Speaking of mind-hacking: Is it possible to "cure" prejudice and racism?
↩︎ Vice
Jan 5, 2017
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