The Morning News

November 4, 2008, 7:52 P.M.


This is why we’re too old for live-blogging. You’re eating, I’m doing the dishes. In a few minutes I’m giving my kids a bath. At some point I’m going to bed, honest to god. When it’s time for bed, at my age, there’s no stopping it.

I was going to open a bottle of champagne later if it looked like Obama had sealed the deal. Instead I opened one when I got your letter about the Obama campaign email. It must be a targeted message, because I didn’t get it and Obama’s people email me more than my sister. But why they would send it to you in South Carolina, which CNN just called for McCain with only 1% of the vote in?

Maybe they just figured every Obama supporter in Illinois was down at the park.

My first prediction this afternoon was an Obama upset in Indiana. I’m not calling it yet, but Obama is way overperforming in the downstate counties at this point as compared to John Kerry. Keep watching that.

I’m told it’s bath time. I might take one, too.


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