The Biblioracle

The Biblioracle Strikes Again

While the Tournament of Books hangs on a thread until Monday, the Biblioracle steps in to ease the pain. At 3 p.m. Eastern, list the last five books you read, and he’ll tell you what to read next.

Oh, Biblioracle, how long since you got in touch, I need you so bad. I’ve missed you, too. We should do this more often.

It’s been so long, I’ve forgotten how this works. For those of you who don’t know the drill (see here for a longer explanation of what’s going on), visit the comments below and list the last five books you read. I will give you a recommendation for your next read based on that list.

Do you have any special stipulations for today? Since we’re in the midst of the Tournament of Books and many of you might be fans and/or followers, let’s exclude any tournament books from your list.

Well, let’s get going then. We’ll be open for an hour starting at 3 p.m. Eastern. Once we get just past 4 p.m., I’ll post a comment/cut-off where I won’t be able to offer any more recommendations. (We’ve got a Rooster to award Monday, don’t you know.)

And if I still don’t get it, or if I want to send you a cake? If you have any questions, comments, thoughts, complaints, huzzahs, you can reach the Biblioracle at biblioracle at or on Twitter.

List the last five books you’ve read, and the Biblioracle tells you what to read next.

The Biblioracle will be open today, April 1, from 3 to 4 p.m. Eastern. This is not an April Fool’s Day joke.

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TMN contributing writer John Warner’s first novel, The Funny Man was recently published by Soho Press. He teaches at the College of Charleston and is co-color commentator for The Morning News Tournament of Books. More by John Warner