The Biblioracle

Credit: Adria Richards

Reading Is in the Air

From 2:00 to 2:30 p.m. ET today, tell the Biblioracle the last five books you’ve read, and he’ll recommend your next favorite novel.

Fall is here (not for me, I live in Charleston), and the weather drives us (again, not me) inside. Nights are longer, and television can provide only limited comfort. NBC’s new sitcoms are somewhere between plain terrible and rage-inducing, and the season premier of Community has been delayed indefinitely. That show with Mrs. Coach from Friday Night Lights and the girl from Heroes seems pretty good, but the jury is still out on that one. Game of Thrones doesn’t return until 2013.

We’ve had a big spate of Fall releases, but maybe you’ve already read your Smith, Chabon, and Díaz, or maybe you don’t want to run with the pack, but don’t know which direction to go.

For you, The Biblioracle is here, and will be taking requests from 2:00 to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time. List the last five books you’ve read, in the comments, and the Biblioracle will tell you what to read next. All requests posted in that time window will be honored, unless things get just totally crazy, and you break Disqus with the volume of posts, and my brain melts down.

List the last five books you’ve read, and the Biblioracle tells you what to read next.

The Biblioracle will be open today from 2:00 to 2:30 p.m. ET.


TMN contributing writer John Warner’s first novel, The Funny Man was recently published by Soho Press. He teaches at the College of Charleston and is co-color commentator for The Morning News Tournament of Books. More by John Warner

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