Tuesday headlines: Pivotal to video
Please note: We'll be off the rest of the week and will return on Monday—see you then!
Following yesterday's Supreme Court decision, Manhattan prosecutors agreed to delay Trump's sentencing in the hush money trial. / Associated Press
"It's mind-blowing in terms of not just the results but what it means in the change in the French population." Why the French far right triumphed. / The New Yorker
As the far right continues its rise in Europe, authorities are increasingly confiscating party drugs embellished with Nazi symbols. / VICE
There was a time when corporations chose employees over stock prices, but that died with a 1916 court decision that ushered in today's Shareholder Supremacy. / Where's Your Ed At
Beyond "delve," a new analysis of AI-generated text uncovers more telltale "marker words," such as "comprehensive," "intricate," and "pivotal." / Ars Technica
Figma disables its new AI-fueled app design tool after a user demonstrates how asking it to design a weather app produced a ripoff of Apple's weather app. / 404 Media
The accuracy of US weather forecasts depends on the region—the Great Plains are the most volatile, while Florida predictions are good for at least a week. / The Washington Post [+]
As streaming companies turn to bundling—and become more like cable—now cable companies are turning to streaming. / Ars Technica
An inside look at the decade-long grind of producing the Game of Thrones content that publications depended on for their very survival. / The Verge
The era of famous influencers may be over—reasons why include engagement metrics, the continuing fracturing of the monoculture, and too many influencers. / Glamour
"The pinnacle of his pyramid is reached once a fridge contains foods that express collective virtue." The stages of affluence according to refrigerator contents. / WIRED
See also: Kitchen appliances are smarter, cheaper, and more efficient than ever—but as they become less mechanical, their lifespans shrink. / The Washington Post [+]
Paris's Olympic Village will use geothermal cooling instead of air conditioners—but some national teams are bringing their own ACs anyway. / The Week
Greco-Roman societies were enthusiastic about swimming; but by the Middle Ages, the practice was demonized and feared. / Literary Hub
To connect ancestral roots that span from Istanbul to North Carolina, a writer learns the dulcimer. / Longreads