Headlines Edition

Friday Headlines: Free bird seed ⤵️

Hundreds have reportedly been killed in ethnic murders in the Sudanese region of West Darfur, forcing thousands of people to flee. / BBC News

Related: Gaza has the world's attention—as it should—yet no one seems to have noticed the world's largest child displacement crisis is happening in Sudan. / Vox

"What pushes a lot of people to come and settle here is you can earn a little while waiting for tomorrow." Life along the trans-Saharan migration pathway. / The Globe and Mail

Palestinians to follow on Instagram for on-the-ground accounts of what's happening in Gaza. / The New York Times [+]

Israel may be following a military doctrine of "disproportionate power" that emerged after its 2006 war with Hezbollah in Lebanon. / The Washington Post [+]

Apparently there's been a live-action/animated movie of Coyote v. Acme starring John Cena in the works—though it's now been shelved indefinitely. / Hollywood Reporter

See also: The quietly elegant background art of Looney Tunes. / Laughing Squid

"We are worse off now than when Jezebel was founded in 2007." Jezebel's end is more proof—if we needed any—of the media's belief that women's voices are disposable. / The Handbasket

Ninety years later, the Library of Congress has correctly attributed the work of a female archaeologist whose work was plagiarized by her male professor. / Inside Higher Ed

"There were a few other things that I would have liked to have said." Around the US, town officials are quitting during contentious public meetings. / The Wall Street Journal [+]

A vast collection of DAK gadget catalogs tells a history of consumer electronics and how they captured the public's imagination. / Cabel Sasser

Over the past 50 years, a couple has amassed tens of thousands of old phones—they're trying to sell off their collection, but no one's buying. / Wisconsin State Journal

Rowing songs, short (and long) drag songs, pumping songs: a landlubber's guide to sea shanties. / The Honest Broker