Letters From the Editor
1,000,000 Strong & Growing
TMN has just passed the million mark for page viewsin May, we served 1,070,300 pagesand we’d like to take a second to thank all those responsible for this great milestone: first, our family of contributors who so graciously and creatively give their time and love; second, to all the writers and artists who have contributed their great work to the site; and third, and most important, to you, our readers, who’ve stood by us time and time again with your eyeballs and dollars, and not been too angry when sickness has prevented a day’s publishing.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you. We hope to serve you for a long time to come. Champagne for everybody!
(And also, a big hands-in-the-air throw-down thank you to Tilted Planet, our fantastic hosting service. Where else can you get good pricing, great features, and 24-hour phone support provided by smooth-talking David Bowie fans? We don’t know.)
Again, with all our affection, thanks.
Rosecrans & Andrew, Co-Dorks