Letters From the Editor

Big Loser

After one too many Pepsis and a rash of difficulty choosing a song to download from iTunes, I decided to post my second winning cap number here, free, for anyone who wanted it. I only asked that whoever redeemed it tell me what song they downloaded, and why. Fun for all, maybe; a free song for one person, for sure.

And then, no word – until today, when I received this email:
I tried to download the song, but someone else got it first. I wanted ‘Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter‘ by Iron Maiden.

– Jen R.
What a shame. What an awful, awful shame.

To whoever took the code and didn’t tell me because they were embarrassed because they just wanted the new Jessica Simpson single and couldn’t come up with a good reason for feeling that way: You Veruca’d me.

To Jen: You will always be my Charlie. A good thing to be, perhaps even the best.


Andrew Womack is a founding editor of The Morning News. He is always working on the next installment of the Albums of the Year series at TMN. More by Andrew Womack