![Book Cover](http://www.themorningnews.org/images/Omib-Watson-Aliens.jpg)
It’s been about 10 years since Watson’s name was on multitudinous lips of the literary community (such as it is)his novel, The Heaven of Mercury, was heavily award-nominated (which is, of course, one indicator of the regard with which it was held). Most of these stories have appeared (though perhaps not in the same form) scattershot through a variety of the stalwart publications that still champion such precious literary gems.
The story (or is it a novella?) from which this collection gets its name (there’s a fancy word for thisif you know it, feel free to replace this simpleminded phrase), the last to appear in the book, seems to have some resemblance to Watson’s own colorful lifetwo Mississippi teenagers get married, they think they are in love, and the girl is pregnantbut Watson throws an unusual twist (the story’s title is helpful here) into the plotline, and despite my own hard-headed predilection for realism I was drawn in.
The other 12 stories deal with all manner of family strife which Brad Watson makes palpable and heartfelt with prose so accurate and invisible, when you read his writing it’s as if you are imagining and creating the story. Needless to say, the peripatetic Watson is a great pleasure to read.