Headlines Edition

Friday headlines: Fuggetaboutit

A study finds severe Covid-19 patients who take the antiviral medicine remdesivir experience rapid recoveries, with nearly all patients discharged in less than a week from a Chicago hospital.

In case you missed it: TMN’s Rosecrans Baldwin profiles the scientist who figured out remdesivir’s capabilities.

New guidelines released by the White House mean that the restoration of American society will take place on a patchwork basis.

Jane Mayer goes deep in a long profile of Mitch McConnell, the ultimate self-dealer, as “Trump’s enabler-in-chief.”

Related/unrelated: Bloopers from the golden age of Hollywood.

Connecticut’s Chris Murphy, a rising Democratic star: “This world cannot become a better place unless the United States is an active force for good.”

Saturday Night Live star Michael Che says he’ll pay the rent of all residents in his grandmother's former building, following her death of the coronavirus.

Meanwhile, reports suggest a record number of landlords are sexually harassing vulnerable tenants.

Overall tonnage in New York City garbage pick-ups is down, confirming how many people fled the virus. At the same time, speeding cameras are issuing twice as many tickets.

Some greatest hits from Instagram’s “#BestNYaccent” challenge: one, two, three, four, five.

The Hastings Contemporary art museum, closed to the public, offers robot tours using a mobile “telepresence” device.

"My wife hates it when I work from home." Banksy is doing art in his bathroom.

Related: People draw maps of their homes.

Traveler extraordinaire Rick Steves is like the rest of us: stuck at home, watching TV, drinking with friends on Zoom.

A 99-year-old veteran walked 100 laps of his garden to raise funds for Britain's National Health Service. He raised over £13 million.

In Wikipedia Race, you and a friend try to get from one article to another by only clicking links within articles along the way.

A Finnish baker stays in business by selling novelty toilet roll cakes.

"One of the things these microbial communities are amazing at is coordination." The author of Sourdough on the bread’s appeal.

The Icelandic Forestry Service is encouraging people to hug trees.

Around the world, the apparent resiliency of nature is leavening a global tragedy "with brief moments of wonderment." For example, video footage of a massive siphonophore.

See also: Six hours of grazing livestock.

First there was the dog delivering for a winery. Now a Rottweiller known as Dogtor Loki is bringing healing kits to nurses.

The only northern white rhinos left are two females, and neither can carry a pregnancy. An audacious plan to save a species.

And here’s the strangest thing we saw on the internet yesterday.