Two months after the International Criminal Court approved an investigation into potential war crimes by US troops in Afghanistan, the White House imposes sanctions against court officials.
A court-appointed adviser says the attempt to undo Michael Flynn's conviction is “a gross abuse of prosecutorial power.”
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff publicly apologizes for appearing in Trump’s recent photo-op.
Anyone who wants to attend Trump's Juneteenth rally in Tulsa must first agree not to sue him if they get the coronavirus.
The CARES Act sent you a $1,200 check. It also gave billions in tax breaks to the country’s wealthy.
Newly released footage shows Derrick Scott, murdered by police officers in 2019, saying "I can't breathe," and then one cop says, "I don't care."
Right-wing media says Antifa militants have seized part of Seattle. Local authorities say otherwise.
There are the proper places for kente cloth. Monday’s display was not one, however well-intentioned.
In other fabric news: New York City cops have basically quit wearing masks.
Generally, the Confederacy had a bad week, with statues demolished, military bases up for reconsideration, and roadways and buildings to be renamed.
“Trump hates losers, so why is he refighting the Civil War—on the losing side?”
Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow, offers steps on how to fight for our collective liberation.
A young black woman gets Merriam-Webster to update its definition of the word racism to now reference systemic oppression.
Our racial inequality crisis is intertwined with our climate crisis. "If we don’t work on both, we will succeed at neither."
Some more excellent work from Tejal Rao, recently calling out fast-food companies that are using the moment to work on their image.
There’s a racial reckoning happening in women’s media. Can Anna Wintour survive the social justice movement?
Hello Kitty stands with Black Lives Matter, but only in front of its English-speaking customers.
For any protesters out there, advice on how to pee in public if you do not have a penis.
Some good recent podcast episodes: Ezra Klein and Ta-Nehisi Coates; a discussion of the life of Frederick Douglass; the origin story of the Black Stuntmen’s Association.
In California, coronavirus infections continue to increase, but Disneyland plans to reopen.
Meanwhile, face coverings in Orange County are no longer mandatory, after the health officer who required them started receiving threats and resigned.
New York City updates its Covid-19 safe-sex guidelines. “Make it a little kinky.”
A comic by Emily Flake tries to figure out what has happened to all the un-hugged hugs.
A brief history of the LeTourneau land train. See also: an Oldsmobile limo fit for the skies.