Headlines Edition

Friday Headlines: Rage against the machines

A federal judge rules Florida has been unlawfully institutionalizing disabled children who should have been eligible for state-provided home care. / The Washington Post

Videos of school board incidents reveal patterns around how the tension escalates, and that instigators are nearly always white. / ProPublica

More than 9,000 authors sign an open letter rebuking tech companies for using copyright-protected works to train AI without consent. / Los Angeles Times

See also: Google is pitching major news organizations on an AI tool that can produce news stories. / The New York Times

"1,808 different people have been doing math by hand for the last 66 hours, completing the first mathematical painting (shader) ever made with human brain power alone." / Human Shader

The charged politics and big business surrounding the global decline in sperm counts. / Intelligencer

A trek to Ghana to see what happens to the clothing Westerners donate, and how local groups are trying to stop the massive amounts of waste. / GQ

How extreme weather is destroying the art of the Silk Road. / The Washington Post

Even if the US achieves all its current plans for cutting emissions, it won't be enough to meet its pledge under the 2015 Paris Agreement. / NPR

"I can no longer enjoy the sea. It's too hot there too." How people around the world dealt with yesterday's extreme heat. / The Guardian

See also: How extreme heat affects workers and the economy. / The New York Times

Remembering the unlikely '90s resurgence of Tony Bennett—"the living embodiment of the idea that the classics never go out of style"—who died today at 96. / The Melt