Headlines Edition

Friday headlines: Stupid coup groundhog day

The FDA says it will rapidly work toward approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine now that federal advisers have endorsed it. / The Washington Post

The timeline for vaccine distribution keeps slipping. Experts say it will change again. / STAT

Emily Oster on how the pandemic will end: slowly, in drips, with a whimper. / ParentData

Twenty-five news photographs from the year that shall not be named. / The Atlantic

“I have described the past month as Stupid Coup Groundhog Day, but unfortunately the fact that it is stupid doesn’t mean it’s not taking place.” / Slate

Michelle Goldberg: The ability of the president’s friends to obtain highly rationed experimental therapies for the coronavirus points to two types of corruption. / The New York Times

Sexual harassment has worsened for restaurant workers during the pandemic—e.g., male customers demanding to see a female server’s face behind her mask. / The Washington Post

New installations in Marfa, Texas, address the problems with art tourism during the Covid period. / Z-Ranch

Related: A short film by the McGloughlin Brothers illustrates how development and destruction go hand in hand. / The Morning News

The EU agrees to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030. / POLITICO

Scientists identify a green gas used on Portland protesters as hexite—"extremely dangerous to most forms of life." / Future Human

For the first time in history manmade materials—ringing in at 1.1 trillion tons—now likely outweigh all life on Earth. / The Straits Times

Perhaps the most 2020 of holiday gifts: a jigsaw puzzle of endlessly repeating jigsaw puzzles. / Spelling Mistakes Cost Lives

See also: Perhaps the most bizarre advertisement made in recent memory. / Twitter

If you’re locked down, you can try teaching your dog, cat, or horse to talk. You won’t be the only one. / The Morning News

A list of the things you learn about drama when you spend time around chickens. / Horrible Lists

A dog lover wonders if letting her pet share her bed worsens her sleep. The truth is, it depends. / The Atlantic

Internet sleuths try to piece together a mystery couple’s trip (with a dachshund) to Italy and Switzerland in the 1950s. / Macfilos

"More people have been to Russia than I have" and other grammatical illusions. / Futility Closet

RIP, Hamish MacInnes, renowned mountaineer and inventor of both the first all-steel ice axe and Monty Python's "bridge of death." / The Washington Post

It’s that time of year: Tell us why you should be our 2021 Tournament of Books Reader Judge. / The Morning News