Headlines Edition

Friday Headlines: To purr, with love

The Biden administration is asking Congress for $105 billion in a package that includes aid and resources for Ukraine and Israel. / CNN

Yesterday, a US warship intercepted three cruise missiles and several drones launched from Iran-aligned Houthi fighters in Yemen, potentially toward Israel. / Reuters

With people now down to an estimated three liters of water a day, how long can Gaza survive? / Intelligencer

Tropical cyclones in the Atlantic Basin are now twice as likely to become Category 3 hurricanes, compared to 30 years ago. / The Weather Channel

"Do we think Congress will go out and pass this? No, but maybe a future Congress will." Eighty ways the US can reach net-zero emissions by 2050. / Grist

How the annular eclipse looked on Earth, as viewed from space. / Space.com

Low rent prices attracted galleries to Tribeca and SoHo in recent years; as rents go up again, many galleries are closing, and a community faces an uncertain future. / Artsy

At 54.59 decibels, Bella from Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, UK, set the record back in August for the loudest purr by a domestic cat (living). / Guinness World Records

"They say there are no rules. So, I've taken that quite literally." The British childhood game of Conkers, but with highly competitive adults. / Huck

See also: From 2011, the Non-Expert answers what the fuck cricket is. / The Morning News

"Chucky ceases to be uncanny when he's just running around stabbing people." An explanation of the uncanny, by way of horror. / Counter Craft

Watch: Drawing sharks with pancake batter—you really must wait for the flips. / The Kid Should See This