Letters From the Editor

Intern Desired

Spring has arrived, Brooklyn’s turning hot, the editors are back on their tennis game, and TMN needs a new intern. We’re excited to announce that our most recent interns, Beth Milton and Nicole Pasulka, have accepted our offer to join the staff as Assistant Editors, and now we’ve got a vacancy. This is an unpaid, at-home internship with 6-10 hours of work per week. The right candidate will be good with Photoshop and HTML (mandatory), have a history and peculiar interest in publishing (mandatory), and live in New York City (preferably). Statement of interest and résumé (as text in the email—no attachments) can be sent to talk at themorningnews.org. We can report that 100 percent of former TMN interns have reported the job as a satisfying experience, if only for the beer. All applications due May 1. Update: The window is now closed. Thanks to everyone who submitted applications, we will be in touch soon.
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