
Larkin Grimm

Larkin Grimm: folk singer, anarchist, feminist, drives horses to warm you. She might take you astro-traveling if you ask kindly.

Before, Larkin Grimm sung folk for the forests--see her myspace for country chanting, etc. Now, she rides out of the trees on great magical horses--like a Tolkienian spaghetti western. Years back, Larkin Grimm persuaded a crowd and I to lie on the floor and engage in some astro-traveling. She walked amongst us as we lay in that room above the pub, still wrapped in scarfs, warmed by candlelight. Most would have thought of ice palaces burning to the ground, thinking of the winter outside and the increasing heat inside. Now though, in "Ride the Cyclone," I imagine a spiritual journey to get back to civilization, following the songlines, eager to destroy, rebuild, summon wild voices, and warm the blood of the next generation.

TMN Editor Mike Deri Smith is no gourmet, he just has an abnormally large stomach. He lives in London. More by Mike Deri Smith

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