TMN Weekender

Mistakes Were Made

Wednesday marked the 10th anniversary of the United States’ second invasion of Iraq, and the approximately four millionth time since then that now-former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld said something about the war that almost nobody believed.

Ten years on, it seems like the only judgment left to be made about our Iraqi boondoggle is how much of a disaster it was. The war’s anniversary was barely acknowledged in Washington this year, something we’ll remedy here, with five stories about the Iraq war, ready to read here on TMN or in an e-book you can export to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, etc.


TMN Editor Liz Entman has lived in St. Louis, New York, and Nashville. She sweats the small stuff, like hyphens and commas, and has a day job, but won’t bore you with the details. More by Liz Entman