Headlines Edition

Monday Headlines: Make like a tree

US Marines with heavy artillery deployed to fight the Islamic State returned with a strange set of symptoms—which may have been caused by the very weapons they were using. / The New York Times [+]

Around the US, cities are trying to enact laws to protect outdoor workers from extreme heat—even as businesses and state governments try their hardest to derail their efforts. / STAT

See also: Inside the tug of war between municipalities and landscapers over gasoline-powered leaf blowers. / The Hustle

It's still unclear whether the rash of upmarket greasy spoons in the UK is a reimagining of classic British food or a caricature of working-class culture. / The Face

Watch: A documentary on a pair of Ohio professors who are turning acid mine drainage from abandoned coal mines into pigments for oil paints. / Colossal

Researchers in Australia have found a way to restore the health of bleached coral by evolving microalgae to tolerate high temperatures. / Australian Geographic

Taylor Swift's re-recorded version of 1989 has sold more copies in its debut week compared to the debut week sales for the original album. / Rolling Stone

"On film, the sea is the sea is the sea, a whale is a whale is a whale." Looking back at 1950s Hollywood's lackluster literary adaptations. / Literary Hub

Photos from a Hollywood black cat audition in 1961. / Rare Historical Photos

Personal accounts of ordering a thing and what shows up is a miniature version of the thing. / The Wall Street Journal [+]

See also: What happens when ads on Amazon, Google, and Meta generate themselves? / New York

"I'm truly grateful for the diagnosis, but do you have to kill me?" An interview with psychedelics researcher Roland Griffiths as he approached death. / NPR