Headlines Edition

Monday Headlines: Nautical by nature

A new study finds that in countries with higher numbers of Black primary care physicians, Black patients have longer life expectancies. / STAT

Four people were killed on Saturday night and up to 20 injured in a shooting at a 16th birthday party in Alabama. / AL.com

In Kansas City, a Black teenager was shot twice after ringing the doorbell of the wrong house while trying to pick up his siblings. / The Root

"This is an attempt to cycle out the stale air for fresh air, but who am I kidding?" Learning to love LA's dust. / The Paris Review

Floating ocean debris makes for a surprising mix of inhabitants, with coastal species living alongside those from the open sea. / NPR

See also: When your editor sends you on the Goop cruise and you really don't want to go. / Harper's

"Why was it so hard for me to tell where OCD ended and I began?" Rainesford Stauffer on the precarious balance between OCD and ambition. / The Cut

A photographer refuses an award for an AI-generated "photo," claiming he disclosed the image's origins when he jokingly submitted it. / Hyperallergic

It's still unclear whether a viral—and supposedly AI-generated—Drake track featuring The Weeknd is AI or a PR stunt. / VICE

See also: The internet is suddenly full of AI-generated hip-hop. / BuzzFeed News

Because it uses water-cooled data centers, ChatGPT needs around a half-liter of water to answer up to 50 questions. / Futurism

Merritt Tierce: "I now think there's no real difference between my feeling that the internet is reading my mind and the yes/no true/false of it." / Slate