America was fighting domestic terrorism before Sept. 11—when intelligence resources shifted to the war on terror, far-right extremism grew in the shadows. / Foreign Affairs
Fears of nuclear war were replaced by fears of climate change—which makes it all the more strange now that the former has again reared its head. / The Atlantic
A report on how crime data is being employed for misinformation purposes as the US heads into the midterms. / NPR
See also: "I, a conservative, am terrified by the crime in a city I've never been to." / The New Yorker
"Miami Trump supporter convicted of shooting at men after argument over Biden flag on Jet Ski." / Miami Herald
An impressively exhaustive look at Roddy Piper's style in They Live. / BAMF Style
How Get Back and the rework of Revolver use AI to subtly update the Beatles' sound, cementing the band's legacy for future generations. / Vulture
Related: Behind the scenes with filmmakers Danny Sangra and Em Cooper, who made new animated videos for the Beatles' "Taxman" and "I'm Only Sleeping," respectively. / It's Nice That
Fascinating research into why classic violins sound the way they do—one study found that the materials in their construction makes for stronger air resonance. / Ars Technica
Dan Sinker: Twitter needs Weird Twitter more than ever. / Slate
Related: "Why would i pay $8 to get a blue check if i could put a rat next to my name for free???" / The New York Times
"It's about as much fun as taking a standardized test." Just in time for the holidays, Worldle: The Party Game. / Polygon
See also: If you're looking for a great board game, you'll find ample candidates in Matthew Baldwin's "Good Gift Games" series. / The Morning News
A thread of terrible Jane Austen book covers. / @NovelistJessica