Headlines edition

Saturday headlines: Jimmy Fallon equals green onion.

In the absence of federal direction, states and America’s top experts forge the path ahead.

A guide to the stimulus checks being sent to a large majority of American adults.

Worries about liquidity in the mortgage finance system have been building for years.

As the pandemic exposes the US healthcare system’s inadequacies, Instagram’s wellness peddlers are thriving.

Op-ed: Excluding med students or letting them avoid caring for Covid-19 patients is bad for medicine and bad for young doctors.

How one electronics factory in Silicon Valley, fabricator of essential parts, has retooled in an attempt to stay open.

Apple and Google are teaming up to create a system that alerts people on their phones if they've been in contact with a Covid-19 patient.

"Our losses made all this unity and action possible." For veterans of the AIDS epidemic, this moment is galling, also gratifying.

When we order takeout, are we saving restaurants or putting people in harm's way? Unfortunately, we appear to be doing both.

A round-up of alcohol delivery services for urban and non-urban dwellers.

In Canada, businesses have taken a "hockey-stick length apart" rule literally with actual hockey sticks.

The Chinese Professional Baseball League is about to start its season. One team will play for robot mannequins dressed as fans.

See also: An archive of annual guides to the last decade’s best board games.

The Quarantine Backyard Ultra running race is either a reminder of human resilience, or a reason to despair.

Related: A surge in at-home marathons.

In densely populated cities, runners are feeling the vitriol, sometimes for good reason. That said, the viral “study” about runners spreading coronavirus “is not actually a study.”

Tips on looking good during video chat from Tom Ford. It mostly comes down to proper lighting.

Illustrations of the surreal side of lockdown life, by Mariano Pascual.

Your weekly white paper: A sample of 35 Minnesota men and women define "cabin fever."

It’s never too late to learn something new: How to fold a bag of chips properly.

Keeping up production of baguettes turns out to be essential to helping France survive the crisis. And from 2016, a list of vegetables you can regrow from scraps.

Related: Jimmy Fallon makes a comeback during the coronavirus.

With "Murder Most Foul," Bob Dylan scores his first No. 1 hit under his own name on any Billboard chart.

Strange particles observed in Antarctica suggest the existence "of a topsy-turvy universe" existing in parallel with ours.