Justice Ginsburg orders a temporary stay on the release of Trump's financial records, as the Supreme Court considers whether to grant additional time for Trump's legal team to formally appeal.
"New York drivers called, texted, or swiped through apps about 22% of the time.” On distracted drivers in New York and Los Angeles.
On his morning commute, a writer in New York City documents 49 surveillance cameras.
A yearlong comparison of sunrise and sunset times in various cities.
On "daytimers," the 1980s afternoon club scene pioneered by British South Asian teens—who were expected to be home by nightfall.
Watch: Depeche Mode Is Our Hobby is a documentary on the profound effect Depeche Mode had in Russia and former Soviet nations.
See also: Collected local LA news footage of Depeche Mode fans in a frenzy over the release of Violator in 1990.
"His music would start. I would just keep hitting pause and playing mine." What it's like to have your Spotify hacked.
Judging whether a banana duct-taped to a wall—and that sold for $120,000 at Miami's Art Basel—is good or bad art.
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The new Toys "R" Us-branded stores are Toys "R" Us in name only, and now with added surveillance and data gathering.
"There were Alpha Karens and Beta Karens. Beta Karens mostly held the rope while Alpha Karens jumped. When a Beta got her turn, an Alpha Karen, a disaster capitalist in pigtails, would stand waiting to replace her the moment she tripped."
A new study estimates 43.6% of men lose a detectable level of Y chromosomes by age 70—possibly due to age-related mutations.
Visualizing how much the earth has warmed over your lifetime.
A surreal illustration series: "Cursed Sleep," by Stefan Zsaitsits
Astounding, detailed microscopic photos of pollen, seeds, and other plant structures, by Rob Kesseler.
"For the next 30 minutes, my father, my stepmother, and I could forget diagnoses and suction tubes and the swallowability of various foods." Sam Anderson and his father said goodbye to each other by watching Jeopardy!
A Deepak Chopra AI was created by a company that hopes to "make virtual AI archives of anyone who wants to be immortalized."
See also: All your precious data is etched on a hard disk somewhere on Earth. Back it up all you want—it won’t matter if the planet goes. The search for storage beyond the cloud.
A map of the world's power grids.