Headlines Edition

Saturday Headlines: Late night cowardice.

Two teenagers have been arrested in journalist Lyra McKee’s murder, which Northern Ireland police deem a “terrorist incident.”

From carbon taxation to nuclear energy, the 18 Democrats seeking the presidency state their positions on climate policies.

Not built to withstand flooding, many US nuclear power plants are located in areas at risk for rising waters due to climate change.

"When, sooner or later, illness comes along, I won’t know whether the pollution I’ve taken in over the years has had anything to do with it, or if I should, instead, blame my lifelong preference for a good book over a brisk run, or a malevolent gene buried somewhere in my DNA." Beth Gardiner on air pollution, a seemingly unavoidable aspect of our lives as humans today.

The Mueller Report uses two spaces after every sentence—for what it's worth, that likely means it wasn't typed by a junior staffer.

"If Mueller delivered a ‘born digital’ PDF to Justice, that file was printed and scanned back into a set of low-quality images for release; a disservice to all future users of the document, and also a violation of Section 508 regulations." Absolutely incredible: “A Technical and Cultural Assessment of the Mueller Report PDF.”

There were echoes this week of the Starr Report, the rollout of which in 1998 was a milestone in internet history.

The Mueller Report’s findings on ways Russian trolls used social media to manipulate Americans.

Biased AI should be abandoned; fixing would mean more data gathering, further threatening those who are already targeted.

Facebook has work to do on its auto-generated video captions, as a clip of an Antares rocket launch showed this week.

"Often, what you actually want is an authoritative stranger...but with no strings attached, no connections, no fear of seeing them in the grocery store and them asking if you took their advice. The opposite, in other words, of the rest of the Facebook feed." For many women, the only reason not to delete Facebook are private, hyper-specific groups that fill a vital need.

E-scooter companies claim a company that's picking up their abandoned scooters in San Diego is holding the vehicles for ransom.

“These shows are fucking unwatchable.” Late night after Jon Stewart is a wasteland of inanity and cowardice.

Andres Serrano’s installation of Trump artifacts includes Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks—even a Trump University diploma.

A new dilemma is approaching in copyright law: When AI, trained on a specific artist’s music, turns out soundalike tracks.

Recommended weekend viewing: Distant Sky, the concert film from Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, available to stream until April 22.

"I was reduced to puzzling out Malagon from leftovers and photographs handed over by co-conspirators." Barred from entering a new restaurant, a critic finds a way to review it.

Shakespeare loved books, and was probably assembling a gentleman’s library—but no one’s found it.

"In that only place..." "Here is a story! Story it is." "Once upon a time..." How speakers of various languages begin fairytales.

Using broken or otherwise contorted materials, Carla Cascales Alimbau creates severe, minimalist sculptures.