Headlines Edition

Saturday headlines: Liver phoenix

Two months into the invasion, no one knows how many Ukrainian civilians have died, mainly due to the ferocity of Russia's attack. / New/Lines

Millions of Russians are using VPNs to communicate with the outside world. / Yahoo! News

Newly released documents shed fresh light on NATO's eastward expansion. / Spiegel International

A typography expert analyzes the Supreme Court's leaked PDF. Also, Judy Chicago, Bonnie Greer, Rebecca Solnit on what it all means. / Matthew Butterick, The Guardian

Tarpley Hitt: When you need something sweet and funny, try the wire services' affectless reporting on human foibles. / Gawker

In 2021, cannabis sales in the United States ($24-$27 billion) beat Starbucks ($20.5 billion). As for cigarettes: over $50 billion. / MJBiz Daily

A survey from the Trevor Project says half of LGBTQ youth in the US seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year. / NPR

In case you missed it back in January: Lucy Sante's transition story. "The egg can crack immediately, or it can take years—or, as in my case, decades." / Vanity Fair 

See also: The return of Nevada, "ground zero for modern trans literature." / The Paris Review

During the last two decades, there has been a resurgence—seemingly post-colonial—of master planning in African cities. / The Conversation

One housing style that hasn't disappeared in Lagos: the "Face-Me-I-Face-You," originally built for a rapidly growing city. / Bloomberg

An explosion destroys a hotel in Havana, killing at least nine people and injuring 30. / CNN

A brief history of grotto design in garden architecture, before it became kitsch. / Public Domain Review

A profile of the 45-year-old Texas influencer, supplement-brand owner, and "CEO of the ancestral lifestyle" known as the Liver King. / GQ

Unrelated/related: A socialist feminist argument for veganism. / Lux Magazine

An essay by author Leslie Jamison on the practical value of daydreaming. / Astra