Yesterday’s filings in the Russia investigation show that Trump directed Cohen to break campaign finance laws by making hush payments to Stormy Daniels and others, and that Mueller’s office has evidence Manafort lied when he said he didn’t facilitate connections between Russia and the Trump campaign.
For a fourth weekend, the Yellow Vest protests, which began as a protest over an increase in fuel taxes, continue in Paris.
Economic causes and economic demands do not necessarily imply a revolutionary class struggle. They do not even imply classes. Notes against the radical potential of the Yellow Vests movement in France.
Previously unknown Koch ties to the British far right are routed through a magazine staffed, confusingly, by ex-communists.
A project to end malaria using modified mosquitoes just avoided a UN ban that would have caused massive delays—and therefore, deaths.
In the US, Google is already field-testing mosquitoes infected with a bacterium that stops the insects’ ability to produce offspring.
The White House will reduce protections for the sage grouse, opening nine million acres in the West to drilling and mining.
Climate scientists find correlations between our current path of global warming and a geological event 252 million years ago that killed 96% of all marine species.
The past, present, and future of data breaches: We’re now in “breach fatigue,” where hacks are so common, users are disheartened.
Over a set of 1,000 chess matches, a neural network that learned the game from the ground up “crushed” a traditional chess engine.
“Merry hunga poppers,” “hand buttersacks,” and “grandma’s spritches”: What human cookies sound like to a neural network.
Drug-related hospital admissions dropped by 95% at a music festival after the introduction of on-site testing of illicit substances.
The boot-cut jean revival is only kind of true: “The internet has flattened the last few decades of trends and spattered them out, and there’s no single stream of fashion authority that says tight-rolled or bootcut jeans are over.”
Photos of the incredibly symmetrical facades of cathedrals.