Headlines Edition

Saturday Headlines: Nervous about meeting J tonight.

The US Dept. of Health and Human Services releases a draft of its Title X revisions, which would effectively defund Planned Parenthood.

A state-by-state comparison of Trump's current net approval against his 2016 margin of victory shows he's doing better in some states he won, but worse in one he can't afford to lose: Texas.

Four Democratic hopefuls have signaled support for African-American reparations, a move that may pressure more candidates to follow suit.

It is still very easy to target ads toward Facebook users interested in Nazism, a review finds.

China blocked 17.5 million airline ticket purchases last year because the customer's "social credit" score was too low.

A US company says it will stop selling DNA services to China, where its equipment is being used to surveil the Uighur population.

A rundown of Jair Bolsonaro's first 53 scandal-wracked days as Brazil's president will hit close to home for many Americans.

“It’s too late to avoid a 21st century that is completely transformed by the forces of climate change, but we have to do everything possible to make the future cooler, safer, and healthier... The alternative is simply unimaginable.” An interview with author David Wallace-Wells, who predicts unabated climate change will kill 150 million people this century.

A UN report finds agribusiness has decreased biodiversity, thereby crippling farmland and threatening our food supply.

Sugary drink consumption in Berkeley has decreased by 52% since the soda tax was implemented.

Beautiful photos of offshore drilling rigs obscured by waves, by Francesca Piqueras.

Cryonicists push for laws to protect their wish to be preserved upon death—which is often ignored by families and coroners.

The FDA says adding CBD to food or drink is illegal, and it's giving New York businesses through the fall to comply.

Then my staff was going to bed early and watching Netflix. My comptroller said staff drinking is down like crazy. We have the numbers. We used to give out 30 or 40 glasses of wine at the end of the shift, and it’s down to 10, and half the staff is drinking kombucha. On sobering up, by a restaurateur known for Bourdain-grade excess.

In 2007, the NYPD wrote 432 tickets for people having sex in parks; last year, they wrote six.

Ahead of its opening in 2022, the first exhibit at Seoul's Robot Science Museum will be robots designing and building the museum.

A non-directed graph of cocktail similarity lets you compare how many ingredients various drinks share.

Serene wintery illustrations by Lee Kyutae.