Headlines edition

Saturday headlines: New balls please

Russia blocks adoption of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty over a Ukraine mention. / BBC News

Remembering a largely forgotten Navy catastrophe that helped force the US military to desegregate. / Smithsonian Magazine

State and federal authorities investigate the killing of a Yellowstone wolf by a veteran Park Service employee. / The Intercept

An endangered species of butterfly enjoys its best summer in Britain in 150 years thanks to a habitat restoration scheme. / The Guardian

Seattle shows the biggest obstacle to beating homelessness isn't a lack of solutions, but the entrenchment of our politics. / The New York Times

When the media prints politicians' motivations as fact, and those motivations aren't true, it enables "powerful people to manipulate the public." / Alec's Copaganda Newsletter

See also: Domination and abuse on the high school debate circuit. / Harper's

In case you're wondering what Gen Z is actually wearing: "People put a lot of effort into what sweatshirt they buy." / Girls' Night In 

You can now take an ice bath inside an ice barrel. / Uncrate

From architect Yussef Agbo-Ola, shoes made from clay and volcanic dust designed "to curl up like plants when they decay." / dezeen

The strange, "sinister" history of the Huntington Library's gas chamber for bookworms in Pasadena. / Lapham's Quarterly

A travel guide to Belfast—currently popular with TV and film crews—from one Hollywood insider to another. "We lived on Marks and Spencer." / The Hollywood Reporter

Visualizing the impact of overtourism on popular destinations (through composite images) with photographer Natacha de Mahieu. / Natacha de Mahieu

The US Open uses different balls for male and female players. Many of the top women hate the ones they're given. / Racquet Magazine