Headlines Edition

Saturday Headlines: Set the controls for the heart of the sun.

Horror at Charlottesville did not temper the president’s enthusiasm for demonizing religious and ethnic minorities that characterized his 2016 campaign, and has not dampened his administration’s efforts to turn those convictions into policy. Charlottesville proved that white nationalists are winning within the Republican Party.

Twitter suspends various accounts associated with the Proud Boys, designating them as a "violent extremist group."

"We need to remain in the realm of the hip, cool, sexy, fun." Ahead of tomorrow's Unite the Right rally in DC, arguments brew within the alt-right over trying to look a little less like Nazis, and whether doing so would make make them "optics-cucks."

Newly released Pew data shows nonvoters determined the outcome of the 2016 election as much as voters did.

The percentage of people who are part of each generation in each US state.

For the first time, NASA is sending a spacecraft to the Sun—and should arrive at the corona in seven years.

When, where, and how to catch this weekend's Perseid meteor shower. Or you could watch the shower's peak live online tomorrow, starting at 5 p.m. ET.

"Trump’s Space Force also rests on the premise, largely false, that the US lacks military power in space."

Joe Pyne beget Morton Downey, Jr., beget Glenn Beck beget Alex Jones: a history of media's conspiracy theorists.

Multiple infractions can be found in Alex Jones's Twitter feed, yet he still hasn't been banned from the platform.

Facebook's web visits have dropped by almost half in two years; app use has grown, but hasn't made up the difference.

Blue light exposure—as from smartphones and other devices—can trigger molecules that lead to macular degeneration.

Solar power may turn to organic photovoltaics, which convert sunlight to electricity cheaper than standard panels.

If I say I’m fine with you giving my genomic data to somebody else, if that gets combined with the data that I’m putting on MyFitnessPal or the calorie counting app I’m using? And now maybe GSK has partnered with my insurance company… A privacy researcher explains how your genome data can be utilized to identify and then ruin you.

Before a security conference session demonstrating how medical devices can be hacked, attendees with implants were asked to leave the room.

A remote Scottish cottage and its surrounding landscape, photographed in each season by Richard Gaston.

Your boss, the owner of the paper, is stealthily destroying your work and damaging the credibility of his own media publication in the process. Even in the annals of terrible media owners, this is something that would normally be credible only to a conspiracy theorist. Elizabeth Spiers on Jared Kushner ordering the deletion of stories during her tenure as editor in chief of the New York Observer.

Google reviews under Jerry Seinfeld's name for the restaurants visited on Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.

A new book offers step-by-step guidance on painting like Bob Ross, whose TV episodes were often too fast to follow.

Lovely slice-of-life illustrations by Ilya Milstein.