After last-minute changes to appease Rubio and Corker, the Senate GOP's tax bill now appears to have the votes to pass next week. Here's what's in the final (for now) bill.
US executions continue to remain at a 25-year low, as does public support of the death penalty.
Sen. Sandra Cunningham said she received reports the office “ran out of space for new bodies” and had them “standing up in corners or whatever.” If you’re going to die, don’t do it in New Jersey.
As electronics prices drop, e-waste increases: The average American household produces 176 pounds yearly.
An Iowa needle exchange reduces the spread of disease, but must operate out of a car instead of an office.
The global market for bulletproof clothing—aka, "armored Armani"—is expected to be worth $5.7 billion by 2024.
A fact-check on what the major ISPs have said about how they'll handle traffic post-net neutrality.
Facebook says “passively consuming” its content makes you feel bad; posting is the only way you’ll feel good again.
A new journal dedicated to the "maddeningly neutral" aesthetics of Mark Zuckerberg.
In the ’90s, Estonia and the US had approached a fork in the road to a digital future, and the US had taken one path...while Estonia had taken the other. Estonia’s play to become a “digital republic” mixes unique privacy laws, decentralized data, and e-citizenship.
A sheriff's possible embezzlement shines a light on all sheriffs, who can wield major power with few qualifications.
Correcting the record on Brigid Hughes, whose role as the second editor of the Paris Review has, in articles and on the magazine's own masthead, been erased from history.
A new website, Rotten Apples, lets you search for any movie or TV show to see whether it's affiliated with anyone accused of sexual misconduct.
Sci-fi titans Bradbury, Heinlein, and Dick wrote about a real place: postwar California.
Spectacular cityscape collages created from cut-up magazines and print ads.