Headlines edition

Saturday headlines: The tweets you regret.

Three lessons the White House could learn after the fall of yet another Trump administration nomination.

President Trump's live interview with his favorite TV show is already causing legal problems for President Trump.

A new law in China bans any questioning of the folklore surrounding the 1949 formation of the People's Republic.

Any summits between North Korea, South Korea, and the United States only serve to benefit the North.

California follows North Carolina and Virginia with plans to pay reparations to victims of sterilization.

Wyoming and Idaho propose “historic” grizzly bear trophy hunts, which could drive the animals back into extinction.

The United States Border Patrol uses some creative accounting to report an increase in attacks on agents.

White Alabama residents seethe about the new monument to America’s thousands of lynchings. See also: the role of social media in contemporary lynchings.

A young New York editor gets conned all the way to Morocco.

Just 200 years ago, 85% of the world population lived in extreme poverty. 20 years ago it was 29%. Today only 9% live in extreme poverty while the majority of people (75%) around the globe live in middle-income countries. Fifty things to consider when feeling down about the world.

A long look at the life of Jeff Bezos—carpet-bagger/mover-shaker—in Washington, D.C.

Human sweat is arguably the most effective cooling system in the animal kingdom.

The NBA's love of fine wine now extends to team-sanctioned vineyard visits.

SPONSORED: Cannabidiol helps CTE in pro football.

With an all-Asian cast and no martial arts, Crazy Rich Asians is breaking a barrier in Hollywood.

R.I.P. actor Soon-Tek Oh, who fought strenuously against Asian stereotypes in American cinema.

Movies by national treasure Nick Cage separated into five separate pools.

“I’m not in it for approval. I’m in it for a totally different drug. I’m in it for creation itself. I’m obsessed with the creative process. I love it.” A quarter-century after Exile in Guyville, Liz Phair is still writing songs for herself.

Photographer Ka-Man Tse wins Aperture's Portfolio Prize.

Old tweets you regret are the worst—especially when you're a celebrity recruiter for a sex cult.