
They All Got It Wrong

Iran, a TV On The Radio side project, go melodic for their latest. Although noise may not be suited to these tough times, it reminds one of a strange apocalypse.

The supposed end of the world, the last amplifier. No great crescendo, just the open air, desert breeze, a bright white light. Or is this the end for us all? Like the Titanic's unflappable violinists, the end of the world isn't all post-rock--it can be dipping piano, climaxing if the world deserves it, and I think it does. TV On The Radio's Kyp Malone moderates pre- to post-apocalypse transition in this side project named Iran. The band move from lo- to hi-fi sounds, keeping a bit of noise and experiments from their previous release but expanding their palette, dimensional awareness, and popular appeal.

TMN Editor Mike Deri Smith is no gourmet, he just has an abnormally large stomach. He lives in London. More by Mike Deri Smith

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