Headlines Edition

Thursday Headlines: Black and blue and white and gold all over

"We won things no one thought possible." The United Auto Workers reach a tentative agreement with Ford, as strikes remain at GM and Jeep maker Stellantis. / AP

Following weeks of Republican infighting, hard-right election-denier Mike Johnson has been elected House speaker. / NPR

This aged poorly—from Tuesday, "Jordan's refusal to renounce election denialism cost him support in his bid to become speaker." / The Hill

See also: "The Louisiana Republican's ascension puts an ally of one of the country's most influential anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-abortion groups third in line for the presidency." / The 19th

The NCAA thought new rules would let athletes earn money from endorsements; instead, rich donor groups have hijacked the change into a pay-for-play scheme. / The New York Times [+]

Watch: How that digital dress—which can display various patterns and images—actually works. / The Kid Should See This

Learning first-hand how some of the wildest CEO morning routines don't work quite as well if you take a bus to work. / The Wall Street Journal [+]

Using satellite observations, scientists have mapped an ancient river landscape under the mile-thick East Antarctic ice sheet. / VICE

What do you do if you lose your phone in an area with no cell coverage? Create a reverse hotspot of sorts. / Manas

"Maslow got a lot of things right, but I've always believed art is not at the top of the pyramid of needs, but the bottom." Music critics on the state of music criticism. / Dirt

Imagined flags for complex, hyper-specific ideological labels. / Joshua Citarella's Newsletter

Vintage Halloween postcards that run the gamut from the warmingly pastoral to the truly deranged. / The Public Domain Review

See also: Highly elaborate Halloween costume tips from a 19th-century guide to fancy dress. / Hyperallergic

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