Headlines Edition

Thursday Headlines: Data blocker.

State officials in Florida, Arizona, and Georgia caught censoring scientists and/or providing questionable COVID-19 case data.

Florida’s top data scientist says she was ousted for refusing to manually change data “to drum up support for the plan to reopen.”

Brazil reports a record high number of COVID-19 deaths, nearly 1,200 in a single day.

Numerous studies have arrived at the same conclusion: "Voting by mail doesn’t provide any clear partisan advantage."

Related/unrelated: The surprisingly rich tradition of the one-note solo.

Since the coronavirus, the Trump administration has deported hundreds of migrant children alone.

The argument against a right to opt out of coronavirus surveillance.

iPad meltdowns, FIRSTFRUITS, and other details from a life of being spied on by the government in the internet age.

Global emissions plunged an unprecedented 17% in April, but they will quickly bounce back without rethinking.

See also: “The Coronavirus Has Tanked Carbon Emissions. It’s Not Nearly Enough To Prevent Climate Disaster.” Meanwhile, pour one out for Caribou Coffee sleeves.

"We’re all equal on the screen... the power dynamic has shifted." How to feel more empowered at work during a pandemic.

In a deathbed confession, the plaintiff of Roe vs. Wade says she never changed her mind about abortion; she was paid.

Deaths from accidents are the biggest source of organs for transplant—which means a much longer wait for donations presently.

In less than a week, graduate student Lisa Piccirillo solves "the Conway knot," a problem that thwarted math experts for decades.

The coiner of phrases like “hustle for worthiness” and “rumbling with vulnerability” is suddenly America's favorite therapist.

Nayeema Raza looks forward to her next first kiss, now that it suddenly feels taboo.

Posters devoted to "cautioning and disciplining Canadians on the home front" during the two World Wars, remixed for today. Also, winners from an annual survey of book design from the previous year, via kottke.

Watch: Artist Doug Aitken turns his house into an instrument.

"We aren't locked down, we are locked OUT." A homeless man's recent photo essay.

Drive-By-Art, an outdoor public art exhibition experienced from a car, moves from Long Island to Los Angeles. Also, ”We Are Here / Here We Are.”

And this is an ibex (actually, more than one ibex) climbing a dam.