Headlines Edition

Thursday headlines: Leaked.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is arrested after Ecuador withdraws its asylum after seven years.

“From his alleged interference in other countries’ affairs to accusing his hosts of spying, the WikiLeaks founder finally has to face life outside.”

See also: how the Trump administration stepped up its pursuit of Assange.

"It’s an unusual time in Trump’s Washington... with Senate Republicans weighing how hard to try to contain the president."

Warner Brothers blocks Trump from using the Dark Knight soundtrack in campaign ads.

Why can’t policy nerds be charismatic? The academic research is clear: They can. "It’s just easier when the nerds are men."

Related: A list of whiskeys made by women.

"Nuclear Family," a new series of paintings about marriage, parenting, and female identity by Amy Bennett.

Now trending, particularly among women: slumber parties for adults.

Watch: Shelly Winters shows up for Debbie Reynolds' 1983 workout tape, but refuses to participate.

It's tricky to enjoy a new staging of Oklahoma! without remembering 1921's Tulsa massacre or 1943's "Reign of Terror."

Arguments against the Electoral College from 1969, when it wasn’t clear which party benefited from it.

The American suburb dates back much further than European colonization, and also has an anarchist past.

A poem for your lunch break: W. H. Auden's "Crisis" from 1939.

No Russian meddling required: Two candidates in a high school election get disqualified for large-scale voting fraud.

FiveThirtyEight judges its own forecasts against unskilled forecasts for the same events.

Watch: A mixed-reality segment from the Weather Channel puts meteorologist Jen Carfagno in the very flooded year of 2100.

Amazon employees say the retail giant needs to lead on climate change and stop helping Big Oil extract more fossil fuels.

"Flygskam" is the new Swedish word for flight shame, or feeling guilt over the environmental effects of flying.

Electric velomobiles—a recumbent tricycle with aerodynamic bodywork—are up to 80 times more efficient than electric cars.

The international sport you didn't know about before today: Octopush, or underwater hockey.

How to destroy the internet? Maybe start with Manhattan's self-sufficient internet exchanges.

A conversation around Fyre Festival, shoplifting, and the aesthetics of scamming.