Headlines Edition

Thursday Headlines: Razzle dazzle.

In its steepest decline in almost a century, US life expectancy has dropped sharply over the past two years. / STAT

The latest national test results among American schoolchildren show the pandemic has reversed two decades of math and reading progress. / The New York Times

As US bases reduced pandemic restrictions, reported sexual assaults in the US military jumped by 13% last year, following two years of relatively small increases. / Associated Press

New Mexico's governor has signed an executive order to build an abortion clinic in Las Cruces, near the Texas border. / Albuquerque Journal

Photos from a Russian-led press tour to occupied areas of Ukraine. / The Washington Post

"I want to walk through the pine forest where my great-grandfather laughed and played." Am I Ukrainian? A study in eight parts. / The Audacity

Ukraine is using wooden decoys of military targets to trick Russian forces into wasting their cruise missiles. / The Washington Post

See also: When luminaries such as Bill Blass, Ellsworth Kelly, and Art Kane created US military decoys—including inflatable tanks—during World War II. / The Morning News

"It's not meant to make me feel safer, to make Black people feel safer, to make immigrants feel safer. It's meant for white Americans." The humiliating history of the TSA. / The Verge

If you have a moment, please consider supporting this newsletter. Find out why—and how—right here. / The Morning News

The sole remaining member of an uncontacted Brazilian Indigenous community has died, decades after everyone else in his tribe was murdered by illegal loggers and miners. / France 24

Researchers have found humpback whales easily transmit songs between populations, allowing them to spread songs thousands of miles in a couple of years. / The New York Times

Contrary to popular belief, Californians aren't moving to Texas at high rates—in fact, it's slightly lower than expected, mathematically speaking. / Motherboard

For the past six months, NASA has been using a device the size of a lunchbox to produce breathable oxygen on the Martian surface. / The Guardian

An AI-generated artwork won the Colorado State Fair's digital category—which may say more about prize categories than art. / Motherboard

This is fascinating: How Karen X. Cheng used DALL-E to change her outfits inside a video. / Twitter

See also: DALL-E introduces "outpointing," which continues an image beyond its original borders. / OpenAI

Watch (and listen): The sounds of technology from the '70s, '80s, and '90s. / The Awesomer

See also: A new exhibit explores the ephemera of '80s childhoods, from sticker books to friendship bracelets. / Hyperallergic