Headlines Edition

Thursday headlines: Take this shovel and job it

A leak finds Saudi Arabia, Japan and Australia among countries asking the UN to play down the need to move rapidly away from fossil fuels. / BBC News

One way to sequester carbon dioxide? Buy a coal mine (only $7.8 million) and shutter it. / Marginal Revolution

West Virginia senator Manchin unsurprisingly objects to President Biden's plan to steadily retire the coal industry which continues to pay his bills. / The Guardian

See also: Some thoughts about friendship—and, frankly, liberal politics—from Ivan Turgenev. / Lapham's Quarterly

The United States is second only to the Cayman Islands in facilitating the secrecy of illicit money flows; we're not a single tax haven, but many. / Africa Is a Country

Labor economist Lawrence Katz says we've met a once-in-a-generation "take this job and shove it" moment. / The Harvard Gazette

Related: People post (purported) screengrabs of employment horror stories and (sometimes) telling their boss they quit. / Reddit

The recent fact that cash has gone up while recorded uses of it have gone down "is an intellectual puzzle." / 1843 Magazine

Ibram X. Kendi discusses the recent distortions of Martin Luther King Jr. / The Atlantic

An antimachismo hotline in Colombia is working. / The New York Times

For your weekly wanderlust, a cycling adventure in Alaska with Bjørn Olson. / The Morning News

Your support keeps TMN flying around the web, bringing you things to love. Join the Sustainers today. / TMN Memberships

From the close of this year's Tokyo Paralympic Games, a dance for 126 performers designed by French choreographer Sadeck Waff. / The Morning News

New "robotic" textiles are said to be useful for training singers' and athletes' breathing movements. / MIT News

Other uses for a large abandoned swimming pool: how about an amphitheater with terraced seating. / designboom

Tis the season: A herd of elephants squishes enormous pumpkins. / The Kid Should See This