Headlines Edition

Thursday Headlines: The statue made me sigh.

Statistically, the difference between states with 30% and 70% Covid vaccination rates is a nearly 40-fold increase in weekly cases. / Ars Technica

The pandemic has changed abortion access, shifting from in-person visits to telemedicine—and legal challenges may lie ahead. / The New York Times

As water shortages loom, towns across America's Southwest are trying to balance explosive population growth with greater demand for resources. / Associated Press

What's the cost of refineries exceeding emissions limits? In Texas, around 35 elderly residents die of such overages. / WIRED

"The great resignation, as it turns out, doesn't apply to everyone." What it's like when all of your coworkers quit. / The Cut

Bus drivers, substitute teachers, and ketchup packets are in short supply, and yet many schools are flush with cash. / The Washington Post

"Even retired people, despite not having jobs from which to take a break, were happier when [the] workforce was on holiday." In favor of communal vacation. / Literary Hub

Cedar Lewisohn: Removing statues is about ideology, not aesthetics. But what if we also got angry about crappy public art? / It's Nice That

Your weekly white paper: Consumers' ratings for restaurants are lower when they went to the restaurants on special occasions. / Marginal Revolution

A patient was diagnosed with health anxiety triggered by her smartwatch, which she used to run 916 ECGs in the year after her atrial fibrillation diagnosis. / The Verge

In at least 80 cultures worldwide, people have developed whistled versions of the local language. / Knowable Magazine

Tim Ferris describes the down sides to becoming famous—stalkers, harassment of family members, extortion attempts. / Tim.blog

The video for Low's new song, "More," asks: What happens when soothing internet videos go wrong? / YouTube

See also: Harpist Emily Hopkins finds out what happens when she plays with the heaviest distortion pedal she could find. / YouTube

Probably unrelated: When you mash together a dining set and a seesaw, by Jeongh Ghim. / designboom

Beyond the Almodóvar poster, here are other artworks that have been censored by Instagram. / Hyperallergic

Surreal, mid-century-inspired interiors, in paintings by Charlotte Keates. / Booooooom