headlines edition

Thursday headlines: Truth is stranger than pigeon

Ford and Toyota stop some production as anti-coronavirus mandate protesters block US-Canada border crossings. / Reuters

One problem facing Ottawa: towing a big truck without driver cooperation is virtually impossible. / CBC News

See also: Fifteen things not to do when using a rapid antigen test. / The Conversation

Russia's force buildup in Belarus seems to threaten NATO's Eastern European members. / Foreign Policy

Little appetite exists in Germany and France to defend Ukraine in the event of a Russian invasion. / European Council on Foreign Relations

Thousands of Dutch people join a Facebook event called "Throwing eggs at superyacht Jeff Bezos." / NPR

More than 1,400 streets in the US have the names of Confederate figures. Houses on them typically take longer to sell, and sell for 3% less. / Bloomberg

A college in Maine acquires two islands once owned by Andrew Wyeth. "It's an opportune time to have an island field station." / The New York Times

Some of the first photos taken of Earth from above were captured in the early 20th century with pigeon cameras. / The New Yorker

Enthralling and occasionally offensive: an enhanced digital edition of J.G. Heck's collection of illustrations from 1851. / Iconographic Encyclopædia

See also: Five contemporary artists who capture the spirit of nightlife. / Artsy

Two years ago, Japanese artist Harenatsu posted a drawing of a frog on Twitter and promised that for every retweet, she'd draw another animal. It was retweeted about 22,000 times. / The Morning News

Confessions of a former (aspiring) opera singer. / Granta

Claire Carusillo: What TikTok taught me about ethical non-monogamy. / Gawker

How to invite but not invite someone to a party: fill your invitation email with invisible spam keywords. / Straight 2 Spam