Headlines edition

Thursday headlines: We can hear you shrugging.

The world condemns Trump’s Jerusalem announcement, and protests break out in Gaza and the West Bank.

Thanks to Trump, people are spending more on newspapers, social advocacy groups, and civil and social organizations.

What the Republicans have learned from the White House: You can say anything you want; the voters don't care.

Meet Bill Browder, the American-born crusader that Putin would most like to ruin, detain, slander, kidnap, or kill. (Sort of like the way many Republicans feel about Robert Mueller.)

Powerful winds overnight forced new evacuations in Southern California.

“The debate over climate change isn’t about whether our planet is heating, but about how much responsibility each country and person bears for stopping it.” Big industry and government fight science with rhetorical tactics learned from the tobacco industry.

A researcher finds that playing sports on a global stage makes countries more nationalistic—and more likely to go to war.

Judging by baseball sabermetrics, Napoleon was probably the greatest general of all time.

Workers are at their most productive in the morning, on Mondays, in October.

The suicide rate of farmers is more than double that of veterans, and higher than any other occupation in America.

California lawmakers want to join China, France, and the UK by setting a date to banish gasoline-fuelled cars.

A masculinity columnist makes an extraordinary visit to Dr. Don, the spanking therapist who "treats" men.

Consider the "lone wolf" as an epidemic, wherein, as social institutions erode, the number of potential attackers rises.

“The record’s narrative agenda—a kind of wide-eyed optimism about how the spirit endures despite trespasses against it—is nice enough, but ultimately benign.” U2’s new album is “terrifyingly muscular,” also “slaved over.” Unfortunately, the band has run out of things to say.

Musicians outperform on memory tasks—short- and long-term, visual, verbal, and tonal—with "efficient chunking."

Researchers studying Dolly Parton's $1,000 monthly checks to fire victims found support for universal basic income.

Bitcoin computing networks already use more energy than 150 individual countries.

Video: Watch how far air particles can move in this NASA simulation of the year’s aerosol travel.

A novel idea for currently used spyware: a real-time, global tax system that measures your energy footprint.

“She hesitated before finally shrugging. ‘You’re right. It is none of your business.’ He could almost hear her shrug.” A new “literary supercut” makes a book out of the phrases used most in airport books, such as “shrugging.”