
Tuesday headlines: Capitalism needs sick people

US scientists produce a nuclear fusion reaction resulting in a net energy gain—a very, very small version of what powers the sun. / CNN

Fusion looks unlikely to play a major role in power production before the 2060s or '70s. / NPR

Maps show households in denser neighborhoods close to city centers to be responsible for fewer greenhouse gasses than households in the rest of the country. / The New York Times

The healthcare industry's grim reality has led to an opposing political formation: "health communism." / New York Magazine

Matt Haughey: American healthcare is split into two categories: Face holes and not face holes. / A Whole Lotta Nothing

A study finds about 74 percent of President Biden's confirmed nominees to federal courts are women, and about 46 percent are women of color. / The 19th

The first Gen Z member of Congress says he was denied an apartment in DC due to bad credit. / Twitter

Gen Z continues to confuse older people, particularly colleagues in the workplace, with emojis, slang, and punctuation. / The Washington Post

Unrelated: Tom Waits once gave a babysitter (Wynona Ryder) a T-shirt in lieu of payment. / Twitter

An essay explores the problems in drafting history by explaining the value of July 5, 1687; March 9, 1776; and November 24, 1859. / Works in Progress

Rare wave clouds, ​​known as Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, form over Wyoming's Bighorn Mountains. / BBC News

A men's college basketball team recently only shot three-pointers for an entire game. They won 124-67. / The Des Moines Register

The movie set from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogies is now a hotel. / Airbnb

Los Angeles grants a girl a license to own a unicorn if she can find one. / The Guardian