Congressional Republicans are divided on a short-term bill to fund the government through Halloween. / The Hill

One theory about our government shutdowns: maybe blame it on Congress's embrace of air conditioning. / Politico

Seoul has a 3,000 square meter void underneath one of its most iconic plazas. / The Guardian

A windowless telecommunications hub in New York City "embodies an architecture of surveillance and paranoia." / Places Journal

Related: An illustrated way to think about "easy" architecture. "Unqualified goodism is mistaken." / Works in Progress

Fights break out when protesters confront landlords celebrating the end of an eviction moratorium in Berkeley, Calif. / Berkeleyside

Some accounts of redwood poaching in Northern California. / The Guardian

Headline of the week? "Many Gen Z Farmers Will Never Touch Dirt." / Bloomberg

The rise of contemporary technology can be traced through Sandra Bullock movies. / The New York Times [+]

Actress Maya Hawke enlists help to find out how many people watch Stranger Things (since Netflix won't tell her). / Search Engine

A long essay about Lucinda Williams maybe being the reincarnated soul of Hank Williams. / The Bitter Southerner

See also: What it's like to edit Tobias Wolff. / Meditations in an Emergency

Confessions of a sober cyclist. Also, footage of a scary mountain bike descent in the Dolomites. / The Radavist, YouTube

What it's like to attend "the best game of pickup soccer in the world," in Manchester, England. / The New York Times [+]