Headlines Edition

Tuesday headlines: Panic! in the pod

The Food and Drug Administration supports authorizing Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine for emergency use. / NPR

Helen Branswell: A guide to who can safely get the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. / STAT

Videos of vaccine deliveries are making people burst into tears. / The Washington Post

Related: Each day is a small room and the whole year has been a small room, too. / Griefbacon

During Thanksgiving, almost 90% of US passenger flights departed from airports in areas where the Covid risk level was critical. / NBC News

British medical journals call for Covid rules not to be relaxed during Christmas. / The Guardian

“Parents who barely knew each other are suddenly running makeshift schools together. What could go wrong?” / The Cut

The Electoral College decisively confirms Joe Biden as the nation’s next president, and even Vladimir Putin agrees. Not so, Republicans. / The Associated Press, The Week, The Washington Post

Al Gore: The climate crisis is getting worse, but still I have hope. / The New York Times

An investigation finds the Nature Conservancy helping big corporations greenwash their climate reputations. / Bloomberg

China is forcing hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs and other minorities into manual labour in Xinjiang’s vast cotton fields. / BBC News

Pornhub removes most of its content after Visa and Mastercard suspend service. It all started with a report (and follow-up) saying that some videos showed children being assaulted. / The Verge, The New York Times

Search engines suggest that every question can be answered—an attitude warned against by centuries of sages. / Real Life Magazine

Unrelated/related: “Not even a pandemic will silence the sweatpants scolds.” / The Atlantic

Business consultants can’t fly around visiting clients at the moment, so they’re rearranging their furniture. / The Wall Street Journal

Editors and writers at Bloomberg Businessweek list the stories they wish they’d written this year. / Bloomberg

Three stories we liked recently about sports and hobbies. Btw, Roxane Gay is looking to publish emerging nonfiction writers. / The Morning News, Gay Mag

Do you like Brussels sprouts more than you did when you were a child? Most likely you're not eating the same kind. / NPR

Italy’s Futurists declared war on pasta in the 1930s. So did Mussolini, to avoid economic dependence on foreign markets for wheat. / Open Culture

An alternative gift guide focuses on weird things found online. Also, new in the TMN store, the "My Other Phone Is a Book" smartphone case. / The New York Times, the TMN Store

“Martha Has Not Been Socially Distant (Christmas This Year).” An Instagram advent calendar with daily carols written for coronavirus concerns. / Instagram