Headlines Edition

Tuesday Headlines: Real enough.

US health officials are likely to recommend Covid vaccine boosters eight months after recipients' second doses. / Associated Press

Health officials are convincing skeptics to get vaccinated by telling them if they don't trust the government, they should talk with their doctor instead. / VICE

A Chicago pharmacist has been charged with selling Covid vaccine cards on eBay. / CBS Chicago

The first-ever water shortage in the Colorado River has been declared, causing water shortages for multiple US states and Mexico. / CPR News

Spectacular, abandoned locales in Texas give new meaning to the idea of ghost towns. / Texas Monthly

Restaurants have managed to accommodate diners during the pandemic, yet many establishments still find ways to avoid complying with ADA laws. / Eater

See also: Handheld gaming devices remain woefully inadequate for some disabled players. / WIRED

Where MacKenzie Scott has directed $4.3 billion in grants so far—in mysterious, transformative sums. / Bloomberg

After moving to California, Amy Kurzweil illustrates an explainer of Ursula K. Le Guin's post-societal California utopia. / The New York Times

"Bring a book to the beach and you're agreeing to ruin the book." Against beach reading. / The Atlantic

Essentially, psilocybin works by allowing your brain to consider and manifest realities your sober brain would reject. / MEL Magazine

Wavy approximations of life, in paintings by Claudia Keep. / This Isn't Happiness

"Lowering your heart rate while everyone watches you try to lower your heart rate resembles not just an anxiety dream, but an anxiety dream about having anxiety." Watching every sport at the Tokyo Olympics. / NPR

An interactive feature presenting the jingles heard in subway systems around the world. / The New York Times

Microscopic photos reveal the surprising defensive strategies of seeds, by Levon Biss. / The Guardian