At the end of yesterday's summit between Trump and Kim Jong Un, the two leaders signed a vague document with loophole-friendly agreements—e.g., "the DPRK commits to work towards the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula."
In a post-summit press conference, Trump announced the end of US military exercises on the Korean peninsula, which came as a surprise to Seoul and the Pentagon.
In 2011, all the universities were shut down for a year, and all the students were sent to construction sites. The young men I was teaching were excepted from this. There were 270 of them, and they were the only young men in the country who were not sent to toil away. An American journalist, Suki Kim, on life among the elites in North Korea.
The Supreme Court upholds Ohio's voter purging law, which unregisters anyone who fails to send back an address confirmation postcard, or who doesn't vote for four years.
Yesterday, Jeff Sessions reversed an Obama-era immigration policy, announcing those fleeing domestic violence are not candidates for asylum. Matthew Yglesias: "There’s a sort of glaring contradiction involved in labeling MS-13 public enemy number one while also maintaining that people fleeing MS-13 aren’t legitimate refugees."
Net neutrality is now dead, but it may yet be resuscitated in Congress, at the state level, or in the courts.
A history of ISPs disregarding open internet rules offers a reminder of what we can expect post-net neutrality.
The viral G7 photo is similar to Yanny vs. Laurel: fast-moving, open to interpretation, and disagreement epitomized.
One person familiar with how Trump operates in the Oval Office said he would rip up “anything that happened to be on his desk that he was done with.” Some aides advised him to stop, but the habit proved difficult to break. Aides routinely picked up and taped papers Trump ripped up, to keep him from violating the Presidential Records Act.
For over a year, Florida didn't review background checks for gun permits because of an employee's login problem.
A DNA data breach would be the worst kind of hack, because victims can't change the data that's been stolen.
Its discoverers wanted insulin to be free; pharma gamed patents to keep it expensive, and regulators play along.
In the US it's easier to access human prescription stats than to find out which farms use antibiotics on livestock.
A warming climate appears to be the reason hurricanes are slower—and therefore deadlier—than they previously were.
Every day, countless animals are born, including an estimated 1.9 million rabbits and 62 million chickens in the UK alone.
The US just overtook China for the world's fastest supercomputer—but not for long. Faster machines are in the works.
Trapped in the Western Hemisphere's deepest cave, scientists learned it's far more massive than previously thought.
Labs are growing mini-brains from human cells—without considering what happens if the organoids reach consciousness.
After 24 years, Roger Federer is leaving Nike for a new sponsor: Uniqlo.
A map of everywhere Anthony Bourdain visited on No Reservations, Parts Unknown, and The Layover.