Headlines Edition

Tuesday headlines: Somebody has to

An otherwise healthy 25-year-old man from Nevada was reinfected with Covid-19, and the second bout was worse than the first. / BBC News

Johnson & Johnson pauses its Covid vaccine study due to unexplained illness in a participant. / STAT

Sean Penn has created the United States’ largest coronavirus testing program. Somebody had to. / GQ

A maskless Donald Trump tells supporters in Florida, many of them also without masks, that he wants to give them “a big fat kiss.” / The Washington Post

Early voting kicks off in Georgia with some people arriving at four in the morning. / The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

California’s Republican Party admits it placed misleading ballot boxes around the state. / The New York Times

New restrictions but no national lockdowns yet as a second wave of the coronavirus hits Europe. In the United States, it’s a third wave. / The Union Leader, New York Magazine

Health officials in California and Oregon worry about contaminated water systems following the recent wildfires. / STAT

More humans are growing an extra blood vessel in their arms, up 30% from people born in the mid-1880s. / Science Alert

Energy produced by solar panels is now cheaper than that produced by coal- or gas-powered plants in most nations. / Bloomberg

One-fifth of the world’s countries—including the US, Australia, South Africa—are at risk of their ecosystems collapsing. / The Guardian

Facebook will start banning posts that deny or distort the Holocaust. / The Associated Press

The new model of a New York Times reporter—able to spot stories that will explode on social media—is in trouble. / The New York Times

In Oregon, after getting regularly tear gassed, a cook develops a new hot sauce inspired by the riot control agent. / Eater

Art made from things we used to say in restaurants, like “can I do the salad instead of the fries?” / It’s Nice That

Dolly Parton is everywhere: a new book, a new documentary on Netflix, a big profile. The best take is from last fall, in Dolly Parton’s America. / The Morning News