California, joined by 15 others states, is suing the Trump administration for using emergency powers to divert taxpayer funds "lawfully set aside by Congress for the people of our states." Additionally, three Texas landowners, along with an environmental group, have filed suit, claiming Trump's order violates their property rights.
Presidents have invoked emergency-powers statutes nearly five dozen times since Congress enacted the National Emergencies Act of 1976, but never before has one been used to make an end-run around Congress after it rejected funding for a particular policy.
Related: Trump's national emergency is the first since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks to authorize military action. (Though some emergency declarations were later updated to include military action.)
The English, whose opinions have been formed by the shallow charmers and their enablers, seem fundamentally unable to conceive of a relationship with Europe that is not one of either subjection or domination. Hari Kunzru on Brexit, or, “Fool Britannia.”
Bernie Sanders has announced he will seek the Democratic presidential nomination for 2020.
Economists have long faced an embarrassing question: If it helps deter undesirable actions, what exactly is wrong with blackmail? An economist offers seven lessons about blackmail.
Iconic designer Karl Lagerfeld, a dominating force in fashion from the moment he burst onto the scene in 1954—when he was 21—has died in Paris.
Legendary voice Ken Nordine, who hosted Word Jazz for more than 40 years, died on Saturday at 98. Listen to the seminal Word Jazz album, Colors, here.
Thank you to Brittany for becoming a Sustaining Member this weekend. Please consider joining her in supporting TMN!
Researchers have identified over 100 genes that, in some forms, raise breast cancer risk—and yet many families "are unsolved."
New Orleans reconsiders the Zulu Parade where paraders, mostly black but some white, wear blackface and grass skirts.
Lotteries target the poor and prey on gambling addicts while lobbyists ensure that states, happy for revenue, turn a blind eye.
“A third are gay, a third are straight, and a third don’t know what the hell they are.” The misery of being a gay Catholic priest.
China's vast investments in Africa produces an unintended consequence: Chinese workers returning home with newfound religion.
How Geraldine Norman's Times-Sotheby Index in 1967 galvanized the idea of art as an investment vehicle, for better or worse.
Stonehenge has a traffic problem, and it's causing a war between heritage groups, city planners, farmers, and druids.
I’m addicted to the joy the music itself brings. The context changes but the passion remains. A 40-year-old musician, previously professional, realizes he’s no longer the next big thing.
Interviews with 30 attendees of a flat-Earth gathering finds that 29 hadn't thought the Earth was flat until they watched YouTube.